Wednesday 24 April 2013

How Passwords Manager System Works

The password managers are able to help people in creating strong and unhackable passwords and provide password security and help you to log into various accounts automatically using one complicated password.

You may have come across news of hacking of major sites. Recent news has shown that hacking of accounts of many important people. Many online banking accounts have been hacked, social media sites accounts and even email accounts. The password manager software helps in avoiding risk of unscrupulous people stealing your identity and log in info and access your accounts.

The password manager system works securely to save the login information, which can automatically do the work of logging in your accounts through the software or through the browser button add-ons. The password manager software can be used in a portable format with installing the password manager system to USB drive which can be used to view and log into different accounts and even on any computers. Many of the password managers are available in sync version which can be synced to the Smartphones as well as tablets etc.

The password manager helps in creating a long and complex password and even remember them for you and use such passwords to log into your accounts automatically. All the passwords get encrypted and locked with single password which you will have to know. The password manager system helps in organizing the account information. There are applications which provides various mobile tools which you can use to secure passwords.

The security is the main concern for the majority of people especially people in high positions in the company. The password manager system store information and account numbers etc. in all places security is very critical. Best applications encrypt files using the 256 bits and even high encryption protocols and this will protect you from keylogging as well as phishing attempts. The password managers are able to lock down if a predetermined amount of time is passed if you step away from the computer.

What Are The Benefits Of Single Sign In Password Managers For Businesses

Have you experienced a situation where you are sitting in front of your desktop and rubbing your temple just because you are not able to remember your particular password or account. Do you remember experiencing a situation where you have entered wrong password and now you are not able to log in and thus you are not able to work? You are calling your IT department guy who is making faces to solve this problem. Well in any case scenarios it hampers the work of the individual as well as hampers the work of the businesses. Now you are not allowed to keep your passwords and log in details anywhere especially on your workstations screen backside. This is because people can get it easily and misuse it. That is why the businesses these days are opting for single sign in password managers which helps the executives and staff people to handle their work with just a single sign in through which they will be able access the company’s accounts in a safe and secure manner. When you leave your passwords anywhere you leave it vulnerable.

With single sign in password managers for business the employees will be able to log in just once and it will be able to gain access to all the software and accounts and log ins which have been related to that single sign on password manager.

The password manager is a software which as its name suggest is able to help with managing your passwords. People today have so many accounts and user names to log into they tend to get forgotten or get confused which can result in loss of account, blocking of account and delay in work etc. when a business prefers to have single sign in password manager given to all employees to gain access to network and software at various accounts they have to remember just one password and not so many passwords of different account. That one single sign in password will be able to get logged in all those accounts thus saving time as well as making the work more effective. The single sign-on for business is best for businesses which has automated systems and various accounts for employees to log in.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Preventive Measures To Keep Passwords Safe And Secure

Passwords are the protection which helps in keeping thieves at bay. Hackers and thieves are out there who have the expertise to hack into accounts for identity theft and for stealing information or to steal money. 

Making a strong password is very important. A strong password is the password which has a mixture of all these:

Uppercase letters

Lowercase letters



And special characters

When all these are used in combination such password is hard to crack. Now that you have made a strong password it is very important that you take certain preventive measures to keep passwords safe and secure.

Here are some tips which will help as preventive measures to keep passwords safe and secure:

First and foremost thing pleases never leave passwords just lying around. Since most of us have so many accounts and their passwords we do write it down. You must not leave such paper of computer file in which you have written down anywhere. You must secure it in a safe box, secure storage device. In case you have written down all this information in the computer file then you can maintain them in an encrypted file that is a file which is password protected on the computer. Remember don’t write passwords on sticky notes or hide the paper under the keyboard or underneath a desk. 

Now you must not reveal your password to anybody. But in case you have to give access to your account to anyone else, then remember to change the password after the work is done. 

Also remember that you must not send your passwords in an email which can be hacked.

Initially in a company you get a username and password. The password is a default password which you must change and not use the default password assigned as most people around will have a similar default password and will be able to guess yours. 

Never respond to  mail which asks for your password and there is no exception.

Don’t use internet cafes and the hotel caters to log in as these places have computers which are rife with the adware, key loggers and spyware else you may experience adverse things such as unknown financial transactions etc. 

Monday 22 April 2013

The Safety Behind Using Password Managers And How They Are Trustworthy

Just considering the number of different login credentials that we need, we will have to have a strong password policy for our computing life and it feels like an insurmountable challenge. There are some tricks and tips which can be used to ensure security of passwords. Keeping a strong password which is not easy to track is just the first step. But a hacker can hack into your account. Further writing down all the usernames and password in excel or word file or on paper too can be easily hacked. After signing out or login out there is need to clear history, cache etc. through which again a hacker will be able to hack into your account. And in such cases it can result in losses at the personal level and at the organizational level. This means that there is need of something which will help you with password safety, password managing and password remembering. 

This is where you can avail for the password managers for safety of your passwords. The password managers are software which is specially designed for safety of your password. This doesn't help with safety but rather makes it much more secure. There are a number of characteristics in password management which ensure the safety and security of combination of passwords and usernames, accounts and log ins and such password managers are trustworthy. But remember to check for characteristic which makes it more secure. 

Encryption: this is storing of login credentials in the encrypted form which is heavily tested, it must be strong encryption that even if the device is stolen thief will not be able to recover the passwords.

Secure resource usage is important to avoid the malicious security cracker.

Self contained functionality that passwords don’t pass on to other software or applications through which the passwords or data can be available.

The password manager must be simple in use and not so complicated as it will be neglected in use.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Consequences Of Password Hacking And Data Loss And Misuse

Business faces one increasing challenge of protecting the sensitive data and information. Despite the security policies, various tools and procedures businesses and organizations are facing the consequences of password hacking and data loss and misuse of data.

The consequences of password hacking and data loss and misuse have been severe which has resulted in a loss. Further this loss and harmful consequences of password hacking and data loss and misuse of data is being faced by the people at the individual level as well. When information pertaining to credit card etc. gets leaked or hacked than there are many unauthorized transactions which occur which have not been done by the owner of the credit card. Identity theft is also one of the very serious consequences of data misuse which can put an innocent individual also behind the bars.

The much of the threat is coming from the internet which is now integral part of our life. The internet is the lifeline of every business and organization. And on the internet there is increase in hacking and many other criminal profession and adversaries which have resulted in severe data loss and cyber crime charges being faced by a person who is innocent. Despite the best efforts of the IT professionals it has been noticed that there is data leakage, and password hacking and data misuse.

Though there is no clear and magical solution to the securing all corporate data and even the individual data because data is being accessible anywhere at any time and this means there is need to have a holistic approach and strategic approach in the company to prevent password hacking, data loss and misuse. Appropriate investments are required in the security technology and a comprehensive approach of the security process is important to have sustainable security of all personal information and corporate data. The security must be integral to business culture with the help of IT infrastructure. You must protect your data well and depending on the importance of data and information appropriate measures need to be taken to keep it safe and secure. 

Password And Security Hacking Issues

Every person needs privacy in his or her life in many ways and it is very disappointing when somebody invades that privacy. Similarly, the computer generators have created a system for everyone to have passwords in the computer so that privacy is maintained. Passwords are words that are formed to maintain privacy of any account created by the users for the purpose of confidentiality. A password should be created so that it cannot be easily guessed by anyone. It helps to maintain the secrecy of information from person to person. Most people save important information in their computers that they would not like to be shared with anyone. An obvious password like birth dates, names of pets or a family member and other simple things that have to do with someone’s everyday life are very easy for someone to hack into which becomes a major problem when it gets into the hands of unknown people with bad intentions.

Any size company, firms, schools, hospitals, and residences everywhere use computers daily. People store very crucial data on their personal computers which can be very private but if their computer is hacked, it can create a massive problem as the reports can be tempered and manipulated easily. Hacking means tampering information in the software or the hardware system with the wrong mindset without the knowledge of the owner. The people conducting such activities are known as computer hackers. In order to raid valuable data and private information hackers indulge in such wrong doings. Incorrect information will be supplied which is a big threat to anyone. These days there are lots of hackers in big companies and firms that take advantage of people by hacking passwords. 

Password and security issues are rising day by day because people are not alert while shutting down their computers. Many people out of trust share their passwords with others and then face the risk of being hacked. It is very important to protect computer systems from hackers and for this reason and there are a lot of defence mechanisms like the firewalls set up. You should always be alert and careful while typing in and saving passwords to avoid being hacked and also use difficult words that are not easy to guess.