Tuesday 23 April 2013

Preventive Measures To Keep Passwords Safe And Secure

Passwords are the protection which helps in keeping thieves at bay. Hackers and thieves are out there who have the expertise to hack into accounts for identity theft and for stealing information or to steal money. 

Making a strong password is very important. A strong password is the password which has a mixture of all these:

Uppercase letters

Lowercase letters



And special characters

When all these are used in combination such password is hard to crack. Now that you have made a strong password it is very important that you take certain preventive measures to keep passwords safe and secure.

Here are some tips which will help as preventive measures to keep passwords safe and secure:

First and foremost thing pleases never leave passwords just lying around. Since most of us have so many accounts and their passwords we do write it down. You must not leave such paper of computer file in which you have written down anywhere. You must secure it in a safe box, secure storage device. In case you have written down all this information in the computer file then you can maintain them in an encrypted file that is a file which is password protected on the computer. Remember don’t write passwords on sticky notes or hide the paper under the keyboard or underneath a desk. 

Now you must not reveal your password to anybody. But in case you have to give access to your account to anyone else, then remember to change the password after the work is done. 

Also remember that you must not send your passwords in an email which can be hacked.

Initially in a company you get a username and password. The password is a default password which you must change and not use the default password assigned as most people around will have a similar default password and will be able to guess yours. 

Never respond to  mail which asks for your password and there is no exception.

Don’t use internet cafes and the hotel caters to log in as these places have computers which are rife with the adware, key loggers and spyware else you may experience adverse things such as unknown financial transactions etc. 

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