Tuesday 16 April 2013

Consequences Of Password Hacking And Data Loss And Misuse

Business faces one increasing challenge of protecting the sensitive data and information. Despite the security policies, various tools and procedures businesses and organizations are facing the consequences of password hacking and data loss and misuse of data.

The consequences of password hacking and data loss and misuse have been severe which has resulted in a loss. Further this loss and harmful consequences of password hacking and data loss and misuse of data is being faced by the people at the individual level as well. When information pertaining to credit card etc. gets leaked or hacked than there are many unauthorized transactions which occur which have not been done by the owner of the credit card. Identity theft is also one of the very serious consequences of data misuse which can put an innocent individual also behind the bars.

The much of the threat is coming from the internet which is now integral part of our life. The internet is the lifeline of every business and organization. And on the internet there is increase in hacking and many other criminal profession and adversaries which have resulted in severe data loss and cyber crime charges being faced by a person who is innocent. Despite the best efforts of the IT professionals it has been noticed that there is data leakage, and password hacking and data misuse.

Though there is no clear and magical solution to the securing all corporate data and even the individual data because data is being accessible anywhere at any time and this means there is need to have a holistic approach and strategic approach in the company to prevent password hacking, data loss and misuse. Appropriate investments are required in the security technology and a comprehensive approach of the security process is important to have sustainable security of all personal information and corporate data. The security must be integral to business culture with the help of IT infrastructure. You must protect your data well and depending on the importance of data and information appropriate measures need to be taken to keep it safe and secure. 

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